Why Time Is More Important Than Money

This post on why time is more important than money contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosure page for more info.

Picture of the author about to ring the bell to signify radiation treatment for cancer is done. The words on the wall under where the bell is mounted say "embrace today".

Money is important, especially when you don’t have any. Ask anyone who is struggling financially, and it is no surprise that money is constantly on their mind.

Ask someone who is financially set, or someone facing a terminal illness, and you may hear a different answer.

Weighing the value of money against time has been on my mind ever since learning I had breast cancer in 2022. After getting over the shock of my diagnosis and getting through treatment, I knew I would be fine.

However, I had to think long and hard about going back to work. The last thing I wanted to do after recovering from cancer was to risk getting COVID, since my work put me in the homes of my clients. How much time do I have left, anyway? Cancer made me ask myself why I was even working.

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Get The Inside Scoop On How To Retire

Learn how to retire, and you won't feel like a deer in the headlights!
Do you feel like a deer in the headlights when it comes to retirement planning? Photo by Nathan Wolfe on Unsplash

This post on how to retire contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosure page for more info.

Do you know how to retire?

We dream and plan for retirement, and save up as much money as we can. Yet once it’s time to separate from our employer, we may react like a deer frozen by an oncoming car’s headlights.

How prepared are you to get through the process of actually retiring?  Are you aware of creative things you can do just prior to pulling the plug on your job that will boost your retirement income? Have you prepared for an economic downturn or recession?

As a social worker, I realize the process of retiring can be overwhelming. There are all kinds of decisions to make. You have to choose appropriate survivor benefits. Or, you may be weighing whether or not to delay claiming Social Security benefits.

It’s easy to make a costly mistake.

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Will Figuring Out Your Saving Rate Help Increase Wealth?

Calculating personal savings rate can be easy or hard.
Photo credit: Geralt via Pixabay.

This post on calculating your saving rate contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosure page for more info.

Have you ever tried to calculate your personal saving rate? The process can be incredibly simple or staggeringly complex. This post examines the idea behind a personal saving rate, without getting bogged down by the math.

Read any number of finance blogs, and you’ll start to get the impression that many of them are written by math nerds. Left-brained writers who love to crunch numbers and calculate personal saving rates for fun.

I am not one of them.

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10 Fun Hobbies to Make Money for Retirement.

Photo of scuba divers with underwater cameras. Underwater photography is one of many potential money-making hobbies.
If only we’d been better underwater photographers, we could have turned our love of scuba diving into a money-making hobby!

This post on money-making hobbies to help boost retirement savings contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosure page for more info.

It’s easy to overspend on hobbies.  There was a time when my husband and I thought we “deserved” to reward ourselves with expensive hobbies.  We worked hard, and played hard.  It would have been great if we’d had a few money-making hobbies back then!

In this post, I’ll share 10 fun hobbies that don’t cost very much to start.  These are money-making hobbies that can bring in extra cash to help boost your retirement savings.

Continue reading “10 Fun Hobbies to Make Money for Retirement.”

What Is F-You Money, and What Does It Have To Do With Herbs?

This post about F-You Money contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosure page for more info.

F-You Money and Herbs.

I learned about F-You Money at Chautauqua, a financial independence conference set in the English countryside and surrounded by herb gardens.  Five amazing speakers/bloggers shared their ideas about financial independence (FI), side hustles, and early retirement.

One of the best parts of Chautauqua was being with a group of people who get it.  People who have F-You Money.  People who understand there is more to life than working at a job (when you’d rather just spend your time puttering in the garden or playing with herbs).

If you can grow a garden, learn how to forage for wild food, become your own chef, and get to know just 10 herbs to spice up your meals and keep you out of restaurants, then you may be able to save more F-You Money!

Having F-You Money means you can play in the herb garden, or do whatever else you like. Photo of herb pesto.
Spice up homemade meals with herbs instead of eating out and you’ll be able to save more F-You Money.
Continue reading “What Is F-You Money, and What Does It Have To Do With Herbs?”