Why Time Is More Important Than Money

This post on why time is more important than money contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosure page for more info.

Picture of the author about to ring the bell to signify radiation treatment for cancer is done. The words on the wall under where the bell is mounted say "embrace today".

Money is important, especially when you don’t have any. Ask anyone who is struggling financially, and it is no surprise that money is constantly on their mind.

Ask someone who is financially set, or someone facing a terminal illness, and you may hear a different answer.

Weighing the value of money against time has been on my mind ever since learning I had breast cancer in 2022. After getting over the shock of my diagnosis and getting through treatment, I knew I would be fine.

However, I had to think long and hard about going back to work. The last thing I wanted to do after recovering from cancer was to risk getting COVID, since my work put me in the homes of my clients. How much time do I have left, anyway? Cancer made me ask myself why I was even working.

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FI Chautauqua Revisited: Why I Love These People

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more info.

Here we are with Kristy & Bryce of Millennial Revolution at FI Chautauqua in Greece!
Just another beautiful day on a mountain with Millennial Revolution, at FI Chautauqua!

It was my second time attending FI Chautauqua, so I knew I’d be making connections with people and developing friendships that would last a lifetime. Even though I’m such an introvert!

Because my husband & I had a wonderful experience at the FI Chautauqua in the UK, we signed up for the FI Chautauqua in Greece, the following year!

Yes, GREECE! I was so excited we were going to Greece! I just knew it would be amazing!

Continue reading “FI Chautauqua Revisited: Why I Love These People”

Hidden Costs Of Caring For A Loved One

This post on the hidden costs of caring for a loved one contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosure page for more info.

There are hidden costs when it comes to caregiving.
There are hidden costs when caring for a loved one. Photo credit: gloriak2700 via Pixabay.

Who is this familiar, yet unrecognizable person who has just informed me that he is going on a hunger strike? He is demanding an immediate $300 pile of cash plus another $100 per month.  He says he won’t eat until he gets what he wants.

Oh, yeah, he’s my husband, and I’m afraid he’s about to jeopardize the plans we’ve made for our retirement . . . 

Continue reading “Hidden Costs Of Caring For A Loved One”

Weight Loss & The Path To FI

This post on weight loss and the path to FI contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosure page for more info.

Weight loss seems elusive at times.  The path to financial independence (FI) can also be unclear.  Is it possible that the effort to lose weight and the path to FI have other similarities?

I started writing this post from high above the earth, on board a flight home after my niece’s wedding.

Yes, the wedding that I wanted to lose 10 pounds for.

I hope my niece and her husband get an early start on the path to FI.

Both the wedding and The Smart Fi’s Weight Loss Challenge are over.  It’s time for a wrap-up to see how I did.  Let’s also explore what weight loss and the path to FI have in common.

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June Weight Loss Challenge: A Four-Part Approach


Time to lose the weight with a weight loss challenge!
Image by TeroVesalainen from Pixabay.

This weight loss challenge post contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosure page for more info.

Back in February, I participated in a Plank Challenge.  The idea was to do a plank exercise, holding it longer each day as strength (or resolve) increased over the month.  Since I love doing yoga, I figured adding a daily plank would be no problem.  Turns out, it really was a challenge for me to keep doing planks. Every. Single. Day.

The Plank Challenge was created by a blogger friend, The Smart FI. Now, he has created another health challenge. This time it’s a weight loss challenge, and I’m all in.

Continue reading “June Weight Loss Challenge: A Four-Part Approach”