Get The Inside Scoop On How To Retire

Learn how to retire, and you won't feel like a deer in the headlights!
Do you feel like a deer in the headlights when it comes to retirement planning? Photo by Nathan Wolfe on Unsplash

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Do you know how to retire?

We dream and plan for retirement, and save up as much money as we can. Yet once it’s time to separate from our employer, we may react like a deer frozen by an oncoming car’s headlights.

How prepared are you to get through the process of actually retiring?  Are you aware of creative things you can do just prior to pulling the plug on your job that will boost your retirement income? Have you prepared for an economic downturn or recession?

As a social worker, I realize the process of retiring can be overwhelming. There are all kinds of decisions to make. You have to choose appropriate survivor benefits. Or, you may be weighing whether or not to delay claiming Social Security benefits.

It’s easy to make a costly mistake.

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