3 Best FIRE Books That Will Inspire Late Savers

Photo of book fire and a glass of wine. Best FIRE books are hot!
Image by Myriam Zilles from Pixabay.

This post on the best FIRE books contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosure page for more info.

Before my husband and I ever heard of the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement, we were drowning in debt. Scary times! Like actors in a bad horror movie, our incompetence killed every chance we had to make it out of our thirties and forties with any retirement savings at all.

In the pit of despair, we encountered an antihero. With all of his sarcasm, snark, name calling and screaming, Dave Ramsey forced us to change how we managed our money. We initially learned how to get and stay out of debt by listening to the ravings of a mad man on the radio. Dave was angry, but he wanted to help.

What happens once the horror movie is over? Dave Ramsey did help us to change our money story. We were out of debt, but had no savings. Thus began our quest to learn how to fast track retirement savings. Here are the three best FIRE books that inspired us to catch-up our retirement savings…

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A Value-Based Side Hustle Can Help Grow Your Savings!

Photo of me doing my value-based side hustle, selling Miessence organic skincare.
My value-based side hustle – sharing organic skincare products made with fragrant herbs.

This value-based side hustle post contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosure page for more info.

I’ve had several side hustles over the years. You might think that is because none of them generated much money by themselves and therefore I needed more than one to make any real cash. The truth is, most of my side hustles have developed out of my personal interests and passions. Making money was just an extra bonus!

This led me to realize that following my passions and putting my efforts into a value-based side hustle could help me grow my retirement nest egg. I already have a job that I enjoy, but being able to make some extra money on the side while doing something fun is a great way to boost retirement savings!

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Best FIRE Blogger Christmas Music Videos Ever Made!

This post about the best FIRE blogger Christmas Music Videos contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Please read my disclosure page for more info.

Photo of drawers full of Lego people. Lego people work well in FIRE bloggers Christmas music video.
No Lego people were harmed in the filming of these videos. Photo credit: lotsotrash via Pixabay.

What makes these FIRE blogger Christmas music videos so funny that you never want to miss one?  Well, I admit, you may need to be on the path to FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) to have come across them.  Or, if you got a late start at saving for retirement, like I did, maybe you’d have to be on the path to FI (Financial Independence) to have found them.

Whatever the case, these FIRE Blogger Christmas music videos are hilarious, and I wanted to share them with you during Blogmas.

If the characters and concepts are new to you, check out the links provided to learn more about how you can get out of debt, invest in your future, and live the life you dream of. You can even catch-up retirement savings after a late start.  It’s possible!

Continue reading “Best FIRE Blogger Christmas Music Videos Ever Made!”